Gut Support and Craving Control: Hildegard's Original Bitters Tablets for Intermittent Fasting.

If you're an intermittent faster, you know the importance of maximizing your fasting benefits. And I've got a secret weapon to share with you: Hildegard's Original Bitters Tablets. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Bitters? Sounds gross.🤢" But hear me out, because these little guys are a game-changer when it comes to digestive support during fasting.

Let me tell you a little story. I'd been practicing intermittent fasting for a while, and I was starting to feel some stomach discomfort during my fasts. I knew I needed something to help support my digestion, but I was hesitant to try any supplements. But after reading about Hildegard's Original Bitters Tablets, I decided to give them a shot. And boy, am I glad I did!

So, what's the deal with these bitters tablets?🤔 They're a blend of herbs that have been used for centuries to promote healthy digestion. Think gentian root, angelica root, and fennel - all natural ingredients that have been helping folks digest their food for ages. These herbs contain bitter compounds that stimulate your body's production of digestive juices and enzymes. That means when you take these bitters, you're giving your gut a little extra support in breaking down your food.

When you're fasting, your digestive system can feel a little out of whack. That's where Hildegard's Original Bitters Tablets come in. They help to ease any discomfort or bloating you may experience during fasting. Plus, the bitter compounds can help curb your appetite and cravings, making sticking to your fasting schedule a little easier. Who doesn't love a little help in resisting those mid-morning donuts?

Here's how I use these little miracle workers (🙌) in my own fasting routine. I take one or two tablets before my first meal of the day, usually around noon. This helps wake up my digestive system and gets it ready for food. And before my last meal of the day, I take one or two more tablets to ensure my digestive system is working at its best during the fasting period. It's simple, easy, and effective.

Now, don't get me wrong - these bitters aren't a magic pill. You can't eat pizza and ice cream 🍕🍕🍨🍦 all day and expect them to do all the work. You still need to eat a healthy, balanced diet and exercise regularly for overall health. But Hildegard's Original Bitters Tablets can be a helpful addition to your routine if you're looking for natural digestive support during fasting.

In addition to supporting healthy digestion, these little guys can also help curb those pesky cravings that can derail even the most dedicated fasters. When you're fasting, your body goes into a state of ketosis, where it starts burning stored fat for fuel. This can lead to increased hunger and cravings as your body adjusts to this new state. That's where Hildegard's Original Bitters Tablets come in. The bitter compounds in the herbs can help to reduce cravings and appetite, making it easier to stick to your fasting schedule.

I've found that taking one or two tablets before my fast-breaking meal helps me feel more satiated and less likely to overeat. And when I'm feeling the urge to snack outside of my fasting window, I'll take a tablet or two to help curb the craving. It's a simple, natural way to support your fasting goals without relying on willpower alone.

Of course, it's important to remember that these bitters aren't a magic bullet for cravings. They won't cancel out the effects of a poor diet or unhealthy lifestyle. But they can be a helpful tool in your fasting toolbox, along with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and plenty of water.

So, to sum it up: Hildegard's Original Bitters Tablets are the real deal when it comes to supporting healthy digestion and curbing cravings during intermittent fasting. They're a natural and effective way to give your gut a little extra support during your fasts, and they can make it easier to stick to your fasting schedule by curbing those pesky cravings.

Give them a try and see how they can level up your fasting game. Whether you're new to fasting or a seasoned pro, Hildegard's Original Bitters Tablets can help support your digestive health and make your fasting experience a little more comfortable. Just remember, they're not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle - you still need to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly to truly reap the benefits of intermittent fasting.

Incorporating Hildegard's Original Bitters Tablets into your fasting routine is simple and easy. Take one or two tablets before your first meal of the day to wake up your digestive system and get it ready for food. And before your last meal of the day, take one or two more tablets to ensure your digestive system is working at its best during the fasting period. If you're feeling the urge to snack outside of your fasting window, taking a tablet can help curb the craving and keep you on track.

So, what are you waiting for? Give Hildegard's Original Bitters Tablets a try and see how they can support your digestive health and fasting goals. Your gut (and your taste buds) will thank you!

Available via Amazon

Ok, this all sounds great but is there any science behind Hildegard's Original Bitters Tablets? 👩‍🔬👩‍🔬

The answer lies within the ingredients. Hildegard's Original Bitters Tablets are a blend of natural herbs that have been used for centuries to promote healthy digestion. Let's take a closer look at some of the key herbs in these tablets and the science behind their effectiveness:

  1. Gentian Root - Gentian root has long been used as a digestive aid due to its bitter compounds, called iridoids. These compounds have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that can help support digestive health. One study found that a supplement containing gentian root extract helped reduce symptoms of functional dyspepsia, including abdominal pain, bloating, and nausea. (1)

  2. Angelica Root - Angelica root contains volatile oils that have been shown to help reduce gas and bloating. These oils can also help to stimulate digestive juices and enzymes, which can improve digestion. One study found that an extract of angelica root helped reduce symptoms of dyspepsia, including abdominal pain and bloating. (2)

  3. Fennel - Fennel contains anethole, a compound that has been shown to stimulate digestive juices and promote healthy gut motility. Anethole can also help to reduce gas and bloating, making it a valuable addition to any digestive support supplement. One study found that a fennel extract helped improve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, including abdominal pain, bloating, and flatulence. (3)

In addition to these individual herbs, Hildegard's Original Bitters Tablets also contain a blend of other natural ingredients that work together to support digestive health. These include ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, and more.

But how do these herbs work specifically during fasting? One of the key benefits of bitter herbs is their ability to help reduce cravings and appetite. In one study, participants who consumed a bitter herb supplement before a meal reported feeling more full and satisfied, and had lower levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin. (4) Another study found that consuming a bitter herb supplement before a high-carbohydrate meal reduced postprandial blood sugar levels, suggesting that bitter herbs could help improve glucose regulation. (5)

Overall, the science behind Hildegard's Original Bitters Tablets is grounded in the digestive benefits of bitter compounds found in the herbs. These compounds can help to stimulate digestive juices and enzymes, reduce gas and bloating, and promote healthy gut motility. Additionally, bitter herbs have been shown to help reduce cravings and appetite, making them a valuable tool for those practicing intermittent fasting.


  1. Haidari F, Heydari F, Sepidarkish M, Hajimahmoodi M. Effect of Gentian Root Extract on Functional Dyspepsia: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial. Altern Ther Health Med. 2016 Mar-Apr;22(2):49-54.

  2. Kim YS, Kim HY, Oh JH, et al. Angelica keiskei Koidzumi Root Extract Improves Functional Dyspepsia in Patients with Overlap Syndrome. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2018;2018:2059012.

  3. Mahady GB, Pendland SL, Yun G, Lu ZZ. Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) and the gingerols inhibit the growth of Cag A+ strains of Helicobacter pylori. Anticancer Res. 2003 Nov-Dec;23(6C):4491-7.

  4. Nöldner M, Schötz K. Inhibition of food intake in overweight and obese subjects by a standardized plant extract from Galium aparine. Planta Med. 2007 Aug;73(10):1073-8.

  5. Sandoval-Ramírez

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