Meet Jane - a success story for 5:2 Intermittent Fasting

Meet Jane 🖐, a 54-year-old woman who has been practicing 5:2 fasting for the past few months. In this interview, Jane shares her experience with 5:2 fasting, what she eats, how she feels, and the results she's achieved.

Q: What inspired you to start 5:2 fasting?

Jane: "I had been struggling with my weight for a while, and I was looking for a sustainable way to lose some pounds. I had heard about intermittent fasting and decided to give it a try. After researching different types of intermittent fasting, I settled on the 5:2 fasting method because it seemed doable with my lifestyle."

Q: Can you describe what a typical fasting day looks like for you?

Jane: "On fasting days, I try to keep myself busy and drink lots of water to reduce my appetite. For breakfast, I have a cup of coffee and a glass of water. For lunch, I usually have a salad or soup, and for dinner, I'll have a protein and lots of vegetables. I make sure to stick to a strict calorie limit of 500 calories for the day."

Q: How about a typical non-fasting day?

Jane: "On non-fasting days, I eat a balanced diet and don't count calories. For breakfast, I usually have eggs and fruit, for lunch, I'll have a sandwich, and for dinner, I'll have a protein with lots of vegetables. I try to eat mindfully and not overindulge. Although, I will incorporate some treats occasionally. Especially chocolate at night"

Q: How do you feel on fasting days?

Jane: "At first, it was tough, and I felt hungry and a bit irritable. But after a few weeks, my body adjusted, and now I don't feel hungry or cranky on fasting days. I have more energy, and I sleep better too. I find hunger comes and goes, and I just need to ride out the hunger or find a distraction"

Q: Have you seen any results since starting 5:2 fasting?

Jane: "Yes, I have. I've lost about 10 pounds, and my clothes fit better. I feel less bloated and more in control of my eating habits. I also have more energy and feel better overall, especially my digestion."

Q: What advice would you give someone who is new to 5:2 fasting?

Jane: "Start slowly and listen to your body. It can be tough at first, but it does get easier. Plan your meals in advance and have healthy snacks on hand for fasting days. Drink lots of water and keep busy to help reduce hunger. Finally, stick to a healthy, balanced diet on non-fasting days as you can generally eat more voluminous food that helps feel full and satisfied."

Q: Can you share some of your favourite recipes for fasting days?

Jane: "Sure! One of my go-to recipes for fasting days is a grilled chicken breast with a side of vegetables. It's filling and nutritious, and I can keep it under 500 calories. Another recipe I love is a vegetable stir-fry with tofu. It's high in protein and fibre, which helps keep me feeling full."

Grilled Chicken Breast with Vegetables

  • 1 medium-sized chicken breast (120g) - 165 calories, 31g protein, 3g fat, 0g carbs

  • 1 cup of mixed vegetables (100g) - 25 calories, 2g protein, 0g fat, 5g carbs

Total: 190 calories, 33g protein, 3g fat, 5g carbs

Vegetable Stir-Fry with Tofu

  • 100g of firm tofu - 70 calories, 8g protein, 4g fat, 1g carbs

  • 1 cup of mixed vegetables (100g) - 25 calories, 2g protein, 0g fat, 5g carbs

  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (15ml) - 120 calories, 0g protein, 14g fat, 0g carbs

Total: 215 calories, 10g protein, 18g fat, 6g carbs

Q: How about some of your favourite recipes for non-fasting days?

Jane: "I love to cook, so there are plenty of recipes I enjoy on non-fasting days. One of my favourites is a salmon fillet with roasted vegetables. I also like to make a pasta dish with tomato sauce and vegetables."

Salmon Fillet with Roasted Vegetables

  • 1 salmon fillet (100g) - 206 calories, 20g protein, 14g fat, 0g carbs

  • 1 cup of mixed vegetables (100g) - 25 calories, 2g protein, 0g fat, 5g carbs

  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (15ml) - 120 calories, 0g protein, 14g fat, 0g carbs

Total: 351 calories, 22g protein, 28g fat, 5g carbs

Pasta with Tomato Sauce and Vegetables

  • 100g of whole wheat pasta - 300 calories, 10g protein, 1g fat, 60g carbs

  • 1 cup of tomato sauce (100g) - 80 calories, 2g protein, 4g fat, 10g carbs

  • 1 cup of mixed vegetables (100g) - 25 calories, 2g protein, 0g fat, 5g carbs

Total: 405 calories, 14g protein, 5g fat, 75g carbs

Q: Any final thoughts on the 5:2 fasting regimen?

Jane: "Overall, I'm really happy with the results I've achieved with 5:2 fasting. It's a sustainable way to lose weight and improve my overall health. It's also flexible enough that I can adjust it to fit my schedule and dietary needs. Of course, it's not for everyone, and everyone’s lifestyle is different. But if you're looking for a way to lose weight and improve your health, 5:2 fasting is definitely worth considering."


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